

    Bank & Date Info

    Check/Statement Production

    Service Charge Options

    Interest Options

    Account Reuse

    Additional Comments

    *Bank Number:

    *Bank Name:

    *Name of Bank Contact:

    *Date to process current year clubs:

    (This is the actual date the clubs will be pulled and processed; it CANNOT be a day on which your bank is closed. New club accounts for the next club year should not be opened with funds deposited until after the Date to Process Current Year clubs has been completed).

    *Check Production

    *A Check Print file will still be produced for any accounts that may not be set-up for an automatic transfer.

    *Date to be printed on club checks:

    *Statement Production:

    *Will you assess a service charge on club accounts for not reaching a specific balance?

    Service Charge Code

    Total Code

    Balance Required

    Service Charge

    Please list service charge codes:

    Please list service charge codes:

    *Do you require these accounts to have a specific balance before the accrued interest is paid to the account?

    *Minimum Balance Required

    Please list service charge codes:

    Rate =


    Service Charge Code

    Total Code

    Balance Required

    Coupon/Flat Amount as Interest

    *Will you be reusing your club account numbers?

    *Choose the method your bank will be using to keep the accounts open.

    *Month End to auto-close zero balance club accounts:

    Please provide special instructions, additional information, or comments concerning the form.

    Please enter your email address so you can receive a copy of the form.

    *Bank Email: